Archive for January, 2010

by John Russell

It is a fact of life that skin will become rough and thin, as well as wrinkled, with age. However, throw menopause in with age and the process of your skin changing is accelerated. It should be noted, however, that women who are going through menopause don’t need to be facing a skincare nightmare.When going through menopause many women may experience problems such as their skin becoming drier and an increase in wrinkles. Also, skin is more prone to lose some of its elasticity, which makes it become more fragile and it will appear to be looser due to the fact the production of collagen is reduced. Menopause may also make the skin appear paler as the lack of estrogen reduces the number of blood vessels within the skin. The areas that are especially vulnerable to reduced amounts of circulating estrogen are the genital area, face, and lower limbs. This is why certain skin conditions that involve these areas are more common in peri and post menopausal women.

The above may sound like a lot to deal with on top of the other symptoms that are associated with menopause but by using natural skin care products and practices you will help to soften, smooth, and hydrate your skin. Also, you will even be able to build collagen up within your skin with the right skin care regimen. So what exactly constitutes a good skin care regimen during the menopause?

There are many ways in which you can go about taking care of your skin during menopause. This comes down to the products that you are using, diet and exercise, and your overall health. Where your overall health is concerned, you should aim to get around twenty or thirty minutes of exercise through a specific activity everyday. By doing this, you will improve your circulation, which will go on to improve the tone of your skin due to the fact that extra oxygen and blood is being supplied to it. For you to get the most benefit out of oxygen, however, you should team it with a good diet.

One way to improve your skin through dieting during menopause is to add oil to it. By consuming products such as coconut, flaxseed, or fish oils, you would be able to help combat the natural drying process of the skin that so commonly occurs during menopause. Also, to help keep your skin moisturized, you should try using products that have natural high quality oils, such as Emu oil.

Staying on the subject of products to help your skin during menopause, you should always use a good quality moisturizer. A good quality moisturizer is one that is gentle and contains natural anti aging skin care products, which will help to protect your skin as well as revitalize it. You should look for moisturizers that have added antioxidants and vitamins that can help rejuvenate the natural plumpness and elasticity of your skin.

Moisturizer, however, isn’t the only product that constitutes a good skin routine when going through menopause. Sunscreen provides a crucial step in any serious skin rejuvenation regimen. You should look for one that has approximately 3%-5% of micro-sized zinc oxide. This will help block the suns rays in order to reduce the risk of wrinkles and age spots.

Whatever your age, you should effectively be taking care of your skin. When going through menopause, this becomes highly important as it is your best chance of combating aging skin. Just remember you need to treat your skin on the inside as well as the outside so make sure you change your diet and start exercising on a regular basis as well as using appropriate products.

About the Author
John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health, anti-aging and skin care products from around the world. Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide range of topics for women at . In addition to skin care, they are also a great source for As Seen On TV Products. Don’t forget to check out their newly re-launched newsletter – filled with information you won’t find anywhere else.

For many, a big barrier or a possible roadblock to their weight loss plan is menopause, or just aging in general as a woman. For most, gaining weight as you age is a given, but it does not have to be that way and there are a variety of things that you can do as an older woman to prevent weight gain, or even to continue a weight loss program. Being able to understand the changes that are taking place in your body, as well as what you can do about them is a big step in the right direction and will continue to allow you to have more control over your own weight loss goals. For many, this menopause weight gain begins well before menopause and can mean as much as a pound a year in weight gain- and once that’s already on course it can seem difficult to reverse, but it is not.

The reasons why aging tends to have such a big impact on women in regards to weight gain is multifaceted. Many women are not as active as they grow older, eating more, and burning fewer calories. On the point about burning calories- this is natural, and not entirely a result of decreased activity though that can enhance it. For anyone, as they age, the body begins to change the way that it does things, making muscle into fat and slowing the metabolism. Throw in the genetic factors and it may seem as though menopause weight gain is inevitable, but it does not have to be at all.

There are a number of things that you can do to circumvent aging and continue to have a healthy weight loss program and maintain a healthy weight for your own needs. Aerobic and cardio work outs are particularly effective for this, and strength training can not only help you to boost the metabolism, but also build muscle and strengthen your bones. If working out just isn’t something that appeals to you, sometimes something as simple as a daily walk or going out dancing on a regular basis can fit the bill. Also understanding that your body needs roughly three hundred less calories as you age than it did in earlier years can help you to craft your own weight loss plan in respect to that and reduce the amount of caloric intake. Reducing your fat to about 20 to 35 percent of your daily caloric intake and being sure that you are countering with an increased intake of beneficial fats and fibers will also help, but can also decrease hormonal issues associated with aging, as well.

Growing older does not really mean that you have to accept certain bodily changes lying down and just allow it to happen. If you feel like you are wanting to be more in control of your body and your weight loss, it simply means working and reworking your weight loss plan around those changes and even just implementing a few small changes can help.

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Article Source:,_M.D.