Posts Tagged ‘Menopause’

We live in a society where youth and beauty are greatly admired and there are plenty of rewards for people who can look and feel young for as long as possible even during menopause and andropause (for men). Medical science has been pushed to find a variety of products that can delay the signs of aging or reverse them. Many of these products contain Dehdydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) which is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, the brain and also by the testes and ovaries. This adrenal steroid is so powerful and provides so many antiaging benefits that products containing DHEA for men & women are now very popular.

DHEA for men & women is very useful to strengthen the immune system and protect against infection. It also helps to improve liver function and bring down blood cholesterol and blood sugar to manageable levels. It also enables weight loss through the conversion of fat to lean muscle mass. It is extremely helpful in managing age related diseases such as cancer, coronary artery disease and osteoporosis.

One of the more interesting of products containing DHEA for men & women is that it stimulates the production of Testosterone and Estrogen. This helps to prevent a person’s libido from dropping which usually occurs as the person ages. It also helps to fight against depression, thereby ensuring that the person lives a very happy and fulfilled life, sexually and otherwise.

The benefits of DHEA for men & women are so well understood that products containing it are used to treat women who are going through menopause and dealing with depression, hot flashes etc. Men who are passing through a mid-life crisis and having difficulty dealing with loss of libido as well as health can also benefit from these products. It is a fact that people who consume DHEA products regularly tend to be happier and healthier than people who don’t.  You can buy DHEA at your local health store or pharmacy.  Also, make sure you check with your doctor to find out the correct amount for you.

Women who are going through menopause feel a sudden intense attack of heat followed by many other symptoms. The sweating during the hot flashes is severe and unbearable as well. There are several hot flash remedies that help to control the sweating to some extent. Some of them are very effective. However, every remedy may not be suitable for every person. So you have to choose the right one that suits you well.

Herbal treatments are very effective and come with zero risks. They are cheap and easily available too. Different kinds of herbs are used for reducing and controlling the sweating during the hot flashes. The main reason for the sweating is due to the low level of estrogen. So plants that are a good source of the hormone phytoestrogen are beneficial. They help you replenish the lost hormone. Certain other herbs are used for boosting the functions of the endocrine and pituitary glands.

According to some studies, soy has been found to be very useful for treating and reducing the symptoms of hot flashes. However, ensure that you get it from natural sources rather than the supplements. Foods rich in soy are tempeh, tofu, soy milk, miso, texturized vegetable protein, whole soybeans and soy powder.

Other hot flash remedies include the use of surgery and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Natural bioidentical hormonal replacement therapy (BHRT) is a common therapy for reducing the symptoms. The therapy is very effective and works fast to relieve hot flashes.

Another study has revealed that vitamin E is very useful for reducing the occurrence of the sweating during menopause. An antidepressant known as Effexor is used for treating the symptoms, especially for women who are undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Exercising for at least 30 minutes daily is also very helpful for reducing the number of hot flashes. The sweating is intense during the summer. So wear cotton and loose clothes to allow your skin to breathe well.

Certain lifestyle changes are very beneficial for reducing the occurrences of the sweating. The flashes are mostly triggered because of certain types of behavior. Make a note of the emotion, time and environment when the sweating occurs. When you understand the pattern make the necessary changes to reduce the occurrences. If you are not able to find a suitable way to get relief then it is better to consult your doctor. Since menopause is going to be there for some time, you have to be very patient and use the appropriate hot flash remedies carefully.

By: Sandy Rutherforde

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Are you struggling with the issues of the menopause? Be sure to visit my site for more information on menopause remedies.